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    Support Agents specializes in producing plagiarism-free papers. To make sure that the pieces of writing we produce are absolutely original, we have come with a no plagiarism guarantee years ago. Thus, you can be totally sure that every essay you buy from us is completely authentic since we do not tolerate a copy-paste method at all. What is more, we assure that all the papers you buy at will be prepared by competent essays professors who are conversant with all academic writing standards. Undoubtedly, an expert writer assigned to your order will pay much attention to the requirements in order to create an original, top-notch and quality paper for you.

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We Provide Plagiarism-Free Papers

In order to guarantee the uniqueness of the custom papers we deliver to the clients, our team uses reliable plagiarism detection tools. The mentioned software, developed by our IT specialists, lets us detect any copied material that an essay may contain. It also should be noted that the tools show totally accurate results, indicating the slightest similarities. In case some non-original text is found, the writer is obliged to rewrite it so that the customer gets a completely genuine final paper. Nevertheless, the cases of detecting plagiarism in custom written papers are very rare since our essays professors know that a non-original piece of writing can ruin student’s life. If it occurs that a checker of your institutional affiliation finds some plagiarism in a custom-crafted paper, you are free to ask for a refund. Just send us a report stating that your paper contains copied material.

We assure you that any custom essay you order at will be checked for plagiarism by our customer support agent by using various checkers. Therefore, the system of detailed checking of written papers is implemented in our company. The agent will also send the paper to your email and make sure you can access it through your personal account on our website.

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Only Scratch Writing

Rest assured that all the academic papers ordered at are written from scratch. Our experts never rewrite the works of other people. It is unacceptable practice! Along with custom writing service, we provide editing and proofreading services. Note that if you order editing or proofreading of a paper, you are responsible for giving us initially original work. Our writers will not be held accountable for any plagiarism detected in a paper provided by you. At, you are given an opportunity to ask the writer to revise the paper if you find some flaws in it. A revision request can be submitted within a 48-hour time span after your project completion in case your work contains less than 20 pages. If your written assignment includes 20 pages or more, the no-cost revision can be made within 30 days after delivery. All you need to do in this case is to clearly specify what should be amended. We guarantee that the writer will make all the necessary modifications in the shortest time possible free of charge unless your revision request contradicts initial paper guidelines.

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It may be interesting for you to know what happens to the paper once it is delivered to you. The state of affairs is the following: the written paper is uploaded to your private online account. It is carefully protected, so no writer or any third party has access to it. It cannot be copied or sold again. It cannot be rewritten or provided as a pre-written work. On demand, we can delete it from your profile. All in all, is a leading paper writing company that has a unique plagiarism-free guarantee, which ensures that you will get a completely original essay. Therefore, do not hesitate to order your paper today. We will go to great lengths to provide you with the best essay you have ever had!


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