The dream of every person is to be healthy. To reduce the risk of losing health, a man should regularly keep oneself in a good physical shape. Daily physical exercises provide cardiovascular endurance, strength, and muscle elasticity. Physical exercises is a mean of preventing diseases of cardiovascular system. A reduction of physical activity leads to the risk of suffering the most common and serious diseases of heart and blood vessels. Therefore, regular physical exercises reduce the possibility of circulatory diseases occurrence. Although there are particular dangers that are related to exercises, the benefits of physical activity overweight the associated risks.
Early treatment of cardiovascular system diseases prevents their further development. Often, the treatment does not require the application of medications. It is sufficient to organize a healthy lifestyle, determine a reasonable ratio of work and rest, make a plan of rational and balanced nutrition, stop smoking, as well as reduce the emotional and mental stress. The most important component of health measures is a therapeutic physical training, which promotes healing or suspends the further development of the disease.
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With age, the intensity of oxygen metabolism in heart weakens. It is largely explained by the reduced physical activity and increased levels of blood sugar. At the same time, physical activities lower the amount of sugar in blood and help maintain the necessary level of oxidative metabolism in the myocardium. Regular physical activities contribute to synthesis of endothelial nitric oxide activation, which reduces the progression of atherosclerosis, the risk of sudden death, and the risk of myocardial infarction. Exercises lead to an adaptation of the skeletal muscles, weight reduction, which allows heart to work properly, as well as improved heart rate. Physical activities relieve stress and improve mood, as they stimulate the production of the hormone serotonin, which is responsible for the feeling of satisfaction and delays collapse. In addition, during exercises, a person starts breathing more deeply. As a result, blood becomes oxygenated. Moreover, physical activities contribute to mild hypertrophy of the heart muscle, which is accompanied by an increase in its adaptive possibilities. In the myocardium, the number of active capillaries increases and the supply of oxygen and nutrients to every muscle fiber improves. A healthy heart has a remarkable ability to adapt perfectly to the increased requirements of the body. As a result, it quickly changes its mode of contraction and relaxation, receives enough rest, and can easily withstand heavy loads. At the same time, increased loads on muscles are accompanied by the increased work of the heart muscle. In order to make central and peripheral hearts ready to the load, it is only needed to increase work levels gradually.
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The potential harm of physical training is reduced to the risk of injury due to various reasons (incorrect exercise technique, inattention and carelessness in the performance of exercises, inadequate weight, non-compliance with safety instructions, improper equipment, clothing, shoes, etc.). The exercises can lead to deterioration of health and exhaustion during training. Although intensive physical exercises can cause myocardial infarction or sudden death, mild or moderate physical exercises protect against such risks. The risk of myocardial infarction is higher one hour after heavy physical workout. The risk is also higher in the sedentary and inactive patients than in those, who are regularly engaged in physical trainings. Cardiovascular risk is high in patients with reduced left ventricular pump function, severe coronary artery disease, myocardial infarction, as well as in patients with ventricular arrhythmias. Heavy exercises are not recommended for these patients.
Despite certain risks that are associated with exercises, the benefits of physical activities overweight them. Certainly, the negative outcomes of exercises should be taken into account. The methods and intensity of physical activities should be selected in accordance with the medical prescriptions, which are assigned depending on the age, gender, and level of physical readiness.