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Best Ideas for Your Narrative Essay

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Best Ideas for Your Narrative Essay

Actually, from the very beginning, you have two options: either a professor gives you an exact topic or you need to compile it on your own. Albeit the problems might appear with the latter, the importance of coming up with a perfect topic for your narrative essay cannot be underestimated. It determines the success of the whole writing, so if you are afraid to put a foot wrong, we will offer you a helping hand.

The reason why students like writing this kind of essay is the absence of strict regulations on its structure. What is more, you are not just allowed, but strongly encouraged to use your fertile imagination and creativity to the fullest. So pluck up your courage, opt for a topic you are passionate about, and kick off writing!

If your mind goes blank and you cannot think of the topic for your essay, relax and devote some time to reading these ideas!


This theme has never been tedious as far as it is always topical. Furthermore, it does not concern spreading rumors, for this, everyone has either Facebook or Twitter account. Relationship is an inexhaustible source of unique events and humor. Share the memories about the real-life situations, which you have ever encountered, with your friends, family members, or colleagues. For instance:

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  • The most ridiculous event that happened at work
  • What lies at the root of the phrase that is popular in your family
  • The most memorable moment of acquaintance


Frankly speaking, writing a narrative essay concerns not only demonstrating and honing your writing skills, but also sharing your personal experience with the audience, especially the experience that shaped you as a personality.

  • The moment that influenced your entire life
  • The moment that helped you to develop as personality
  • The moment that made you change your firm beliefs
  • The moment when you overcame your shyness

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After opting for a riveting topic, which is a pivotal point in writing your essay, examine the instructions that you received from your professor. Focus on the style of writing, the format, and the size. Admit that you have crossed the Rubicon, study our tips, overcome the writer’s block, and start writing!

  • Implement only relevant information and try to avoid using some “interesting details”, which will distract the audience from the main idea of your writing.
  • Sincerity is of the first magnitude. Do not even dare to embroider the events you are describing.
  • Use linking words and phrases to convey your idea in a clear and coherent way.
  • Notwithstanding the fact that you are compiling a narrative essay, not merely body paragraphs, where you describe the sequence of events, matter. Conclusion is just a right place to tell the reader what kind of lesson you have learned from this experience.
  • Despite the absence of strict regulations on the structure of such an essay, you must carefully follow the instructions given by your professor.

We wish you all the best in your writing endeavors!


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