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Poetry Analysis Essay Example: Sometimes the Words are So Close

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Poetry Analysis Essay Example: Sometimes the Words are So Close

The poem “Sometimes the Words are So Close” by Julia Alvarez demonstrates the writer’s attempts to discover her potentiality. However, she faces the main challenge when she envisions the fact that she has not identified her own voice. In the fourth line, the writer asserts that her life is practicing for the real her. This is the first credible interpretation. Later, she uncovers that she is able to speak in her own voice. Eventually, her inner voice helped her begin creating poems. She also encourages the readers who have undergone such difficulties to take heart from her. In the poem, Julia Alvarez depicts a situation in which a person is in self-discovery as an individual. The writer identifies her inner voice and speaks on behalf of all women who succeed in discovering oneself. This is the second credible interpretation that is important since it leads to self-discovery.

In the first three lines, the writer states that she reveals herself completely in her poetry. In the ninth line, Alvarez confused in living her dream, since she faces difficulties in discovering her inner self. In the tenth and eleventh lines, the readers can trace an allusion to “The New Colossus” by Emma Lazarus. The main theme of “The New Colossus” was a call to “the tired, the poor, the huddled masses yearning to breathe free” (Lazarus 10–11). Some theorists emphasize the significance of the allusion in Alvarez’s line 10 and 11 to the lines 10 and 11 of the New Colossus. While Lazarus invited the seekers to the United States, Alvarez, in her turn, invites the lost to the poetry. In both cases, an opportunity for self-expression is underlined.

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The poem “Sometimes the Words are So Close” demonstrates a new style of poetry. The writer does not give preference to continuous prose or rhyme scheme. Alternatively, she uses enjambment that ensures a smooth flow of ideas between lines. Simple language allows Alvarez to make her ideas understandable for every reader”

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