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Easy Healthy Eating Tips for Folks Who Hate Cooking

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Easy Healthy Eating Tips for Folks Who Hate Cooking

Personally, I hate cooking, and this was a huge barrier on my way to a healthy diet and an ideal figure until I realized that cooking skills are not essential for those who want to prepare a healthy meal. Give up on frozen dinners right now! Today I am going to teach you healthy eating recipes that do not take much time, money and efforts to prepare.

Easy Meals to Cook When You Are on a Diet

Fruit and Vegetable Smoothie

If you think that cooking is a waste of time, learning how to prepare smoothie is the best way to receive a daily intake of vitamins contained in vegetables and fruit. All you need to do is to gather vegetables and fruit you have in a fridge and blend them together.

A recommended daily dose of fruit is one large apple or banana. A person older than 18 years requires up to 3 cups of cooked or raw vegetables per day. Thus, 2 cups of fruit & vegetable smoothie per day are enough to satisfy the need for these products.

The first recipe of a smoothie I tried was made popular by Monster Chef. The ingredients are: cranberries, frozen mixed fruits, walnuts, milk, and chocolate. Blend them together and get a tasty smoothie just in 5 minutes.

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If you have kids, you may try preparing smoothies using the recipes published by parenting blogs, such as Inhabitots.

If you hate cutting and tossing ingredients, just skip that part! You may simply blend almond milk and any frozen fruit.

Although smoothies are rich in vitamins, they cannot cover your daily nutritional intake. This idea made me use almost an automated cooking machine, the crock pot.

Why I Like to Use the Crock Pot?

This automated cooking device is able to make your life easier. All you need to do is to throw some food into it and set a timer. The meal will be prepared as soon as you need it. The benefit of cooking with the crock pot is that you do not have to use many ingredients to have a tasty meal. In addition, it is not necessary to spend time in the kitchen watching how the meal cooks.

I hope these pieces of advice will persuade you that healthy eating is simple even if you do not like cooking. Use my tips and stay healthy and fit!


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