A fantastic epic novel The Lord of the Rings was written between 1937 and 1949 by J. R. R. Tolkien. This full of adventures story is a sequel to the author’s fantasy novel The Hobbit, which has become one of the world’s best-selling masterpieces.
In his book Tolkien depictures such important themes as the eternal struggle between the good and the evil, the sense of devotion and self-sacrifice for the greater good, faithfulness and responsibility, the inability to resist temptation, obsession with power and the call of duty. In the book, the reader also faces such integral vital aspects of life, such as friendship, betrayal, love, hostility, perfidy and obedience.
The Lord of the Rings is a journey of a young Hobbit Frodo and his fellow-travelers: Sam, Pippin and Merry and brave warriors Gandalf, Aragorn and Boromir. It is Frodo’s aim to destroy the Ring, which originally belonged to the Dark Lord, Sauron. Frodo is chosen to fulfill the duty and save everyone from pernicious corrupting power of the Ring with the help of which the Dark Lord had an aim to conquer the world.
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However, it is not an easy task for Frodo to bear the responsibility. To eliminate the danger that hangs over the Middle-Earth, it is necessary to throw the cursed Ring into a volcano at Mount Orodruin. In order to finally achieve the objective, Frodo and his companions seem to be experiencing really hazardous and tough times. Lots of obstacles, difficulties, temptation and unexpected events occur on the path of the main hero. Along the journey, Frodo appears to remain the most resistant and faithful Hobbit, whose virtue and self-sacrifice assisted him all the time.
The dynamic, sometimes emotionally tense, events make the reader undergo all the ordeals prepared for the main characters. Though, the ending of the story rewards the reader with pride and sense of relief when the Ring is neutralizes, and Frodo begins his homeward trip.